Music pedagogical conference

For all music schools, music school teachers, and other participants in the music pedagogical platform
Friday, January 7, 2022
09.00 — 16.00

The 7th of January 2022 RDAM opens its doors once again for The Music Pedagogical Conference.

This year the focus of the conference will be when music melts together with other art forms, and when different knowledges are put into play than just musical knowledge.
What happens in this meeting between knowledges? What do we learn from it? How can one strengthen ones subjective knowledge in this process?  

The programme of the day is similar to that of the past years with presentations in the Academy's Concert Hall before noon. 
After lunch we will split into groups and go to different workshops that all are about the cultural meeting of different art forms. 

The 1st of November the final programme will be announced with the names of the workshop teachers. 

Sign up and prices
The sign up has started and you can either buy online or physical tickets.

  • One physical ticket - attendance at RDAM including presentations, workshops and lunch: 400 DKK per person
  • One online ticket - attendance online with presentations and workshops: 100 DKK per person

Register you or your music school here: Musikpædagogisk konference på DKDM 2022 (

The conference will be streamed live. You can buy it here, if you wish to access it: Musikpædagogisk konference på DKDM 2022 (deltagelse online) (

Preliminary pogramme

09.00-10.00 am: Check in and coffee. Entrance through Julius Thomsens Gade 1, 1970 Frederiksberg C
10.00-12.00 am: Keynotes and different presentations in the Concert Hall

12.00-1.00 pm: Lunch
1.00-3.30 pm: Workshops
3.30-4.00 pm: We end together in the Concert Hall
4.00-5.00 pm: The bar in the Concert foyer is open

If you have any questions please contact Kirsten Juul Seidenfaden

We look forward to an enriching and inspirational day of musical pedagogy.

On behalf of the arranging group,
Kirsten Juul Seidenfaden, DKDM 

The conference is arranged by RMC and RDAM as well as a group of music school rectors from Holbæk, Copenhagen, Vordingborg, and Frederiksberg.