Mission, vision, aims, and outcomes
The Danish Act no. 289 of 27 April 1994 and amendment no. 142 of 17 March 1999 about institutes of artistic educations state that the Academies shall serve the purpose of providing the highest education in music and music pedagogy and generally contributing to the furtherance of musical culture in Denmark. The Academy is to carry on artistic and pedagogical evolutionary activities, and it may research a scientific basis within its fields of activity.
The Royal Danish Academy of Music is an institution rich in tradition, and it aims at making itself known as one of the best music academies in Europe. In this context, it is defined through the following partial aims:
- The Royal Danish Academy of Music courses must ensure that the students will find occupation at a high professional level in the best possible way.
- The teaching of the Royal Danish Academy of Music must be based upon work of research and development, which within the artistic and the pedagogical field should be characterised as curios, forthcoming and progressive combined with an understanding of the importance of tradition.
- The Royal Danish Academy of Music must be in a permanent, creative dialogue with Danish and international musical life.
The Royal Danish Academy of Music was founded in 1867 by the composer Niels W. Gade. It is the eldest professional institution of musical education in Denmark as well as the largest with approx. 400 students. Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II is Protector of the institution.
The inspiration for founding the academy was similar to academies in Germany, and it was Niels W. Gade’s guiding principle that a music academy should provide basic musical education. This principle has been central despite several significant changes in the running of the academy since 1867.
In 1948 the Academy was taken over by the Danish government.
Mission, vision og strategi
Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium skal gennem uddannelse, udviklingsvirksomhed og kunstnerisk praksis på højeste niveau medvirke til udviklingen af musikkulturen og styrke dens centrale placering i samfundet.
Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium repræsenterer det højeste internationale niveau og samarbejder med en række af de bedste konservatorier i verden. Konservatoriet bidrager afgørende til formidling, aktualisering og løbende fornyelse af den klassiske musik i Danmark.