Copenhagen International Organ Festival 2013

Middagskoncert med William Porter
Torsdag den 10. oktober 2013
13.00 — 14.00
Gratis adgang
Observing the 350th Anniversary of the Death of Heinrich Scheidemann
H. Scheidemann Præambulum in G (WV 73)
Jesu wollst uns weisen (WV 78
O Gott, wir danken deiner Güt (WV 22)
Christ lag in Todesbanden (3 verses) (WV 3)
(Magnificat) Fantasia VIII. Toni (WV 66)
Observing the 50th Anniversary of the Death of Paul Hindemith
P. Hindemith Sonata II
Ruhig bewegt
Fuge: Mässig bewegt, heiter
Early Works of J. S. Bach
J. S. Bach Prelude and Fugue in C Major (BWV 531)
Fantasia in C Minor (BWV 1121)
Was Gott tut, dass ist wohlgetan” (BWV 1116)
Prelude (Toccata) and Fugue in E Major (BWV 566)

Medvirkende: William Porter, orgel