Credit transfer

On this page, you can read about all the applicable rules for credit transfer in connection with admission to the Royal Danish Academy of Music.

If you have previously attended another higher education institution in Denmark or abroad (e.g., at a university or a music academy), RDAM is obligated to grant you credit for any previously passed courses that can be transferred to the program at RDAM you are enrolled in (cf. §27-28 of the Executive Order on the academies and the Opera Academy).

RDAM makes individual decisions regarding credit transfers, and the credit transfer may place you to begin at a later year than the first year of the programme, you are enrolled in.

When you apply for admission, you are therefore obligated under the penalty of perjury to inform RDAM of any courses you have completed and passed at other Danish or foreign higher education institutions that can be expected to qualify for credit transfer.

You should be aware that there may be differences between the programs. As a result, you might be missing some courses in the program you are transferring to at RDAM (e.g., some general subjects). This could lead to a study plan where you have to take courses from different years of the program simultaneously, for example, 1st and 3rd year of your bachelor’s, and/or that your studies may take longer than the standard duration.


If you are applying for a transfer from another Danish music academy, we will also transfer the credits for your previously passed courses.

You should be aware that even if you are transferring from another Danish music academy, there may be differences between the programs. As a result, you might be missing some courses in the program you are transferring to at RDAM (e.g., some general subjects). This could lead to a study plan where you have to take courses from different years of the program simultaneously, for example, 1st and 3rd year of your bachelor’s, and/or that your studies may take longer than the standard duration.

Have you previously passed courses or educations at a higher education institution (e. g. at a university or music academy), you must upload the following documents when you apply for admission at RDAM:

  • Transcript of records or study journal with date stamp and signature.
  • Course descriptions or study plan (select the relevant pages and upload them in PDF format).

If you are enrolled in a course at the time of application, which you expect to pass before the start of your studies, you must send proof of course enrollment instead of a diploma.

Have you previously passed courses or educations at a higher education institution (e. g. at a university or music academy), you must upload the following documents when you apply for admission at RDAM:

  • Transcript of records or study journal with date stamp and signature.
  • Course descriptions or study plan (select the relevant pages and upload them in PDF format).

If you are enrolled in a course at the time of application, which you expect to pass before the start of your studies, you must send proof of course enrollment instead of a diploma.


Check that the documentation contains information about:

  • Number of ECTS points or credits.
  • Teaching methods (lectures, class/team teaching, exercises).
  • Learning objectives/competences that are aimed for through the subject or course.
  • Possibly, number of hours for each of the different courses/subjects.
  • Possibly, syllabus list of the books used from the lesson (music history).
  • English titles of your passed subjects and courses, if possible.
  • Date of passing for each individual subject and course.


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