
The academy has a long tradition of ensemble playing. One thing is the personal development of each student as a soloist, another is the contact and ensemble playing with others. RDAM offers great opportunities to play chamber music as well as playing in different ensembles of various sizes and tonal formations from early music to contemporary compositional music.

Taking part in the orchestras and ensembles of the Academy is an important part of the tuition, giving the students many good experiences and also prepares them for the future work as professional singer and musician. A large part of a performer’s life today is the ability to be flexible and project orientated in their work with many types of ensembles and with many different kinds of people. These skills will be strengthened in connection with the many activities of ensemble playing that the student will try during the study programme. The increased concert activities are to a large extent based on these many ensemble initiatives – partly organized and partly of a more spontaneous character.

The Academy holds 5-6 orchestra productions a year. The RDAM Symphony Orchestra is the largest ensemble of the Academy and is a central part of the study programme of the orchestra musicians. The concerts and the orchestral projects are at the same time an important window on the Danish music world.

The RDAM holds 5-6 orchestra productions a year, in which the students with orchestra instruments get an opportunity to try out the large symphonies and soloist concerts of the music literature. Rehearsals are arranged as group rehearsals in the individual instrument groups, and tutti rehearsals with the whole orchestra and a public concert are given at the end.

The orchestra concerts are conducted by a series of top conductors from home and abroad and conductors concerning the region's music world in their capacity as chief conductor or conductor.

Cooperation with Copenhagen Philharmonic

The students meet the large extensive repertory in cooperation with professional musicians of renowned internationally recruited guest conductors and the chief conductor Toshiyuki Kamioka through one-two co-productions a year.

The brass ensemble of the Academy RDAM Brass is part of the tuition for students with brass instruments and percussion as their principal study and consists of 12 brass instrumentalists and two percussionists. Professor Jesper Juul Windahl is the daily leader of the ensemble, and it is occasionally also conducted by music leaders and conductor students.

The ensemble has a high activity level and plays concerts, from church concerts to school concerts every year. This is also reflected in the repertory and cover renaissance music from the king’s court of Chr. IV to first performances of new compositional music to popular music.

Several of the ensemble members get the possibility of performing as a soloist with RDAM Brass, and it is also possible for the students to conduct the ensemble and perform as master of ceremonies. The students who write arrangements for brass instrumentalists also have the possibility of having these performed by their fellow students.

RDAM Brass has toured in Denmark, Scotland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Portugal, Hungary and the Netherlands.

The Academy's percussion ensemble is conducted by Associate Professor Søren Monrad.

The number of players varies from 2 to 20 depending on the repertoire selected.