Beethoven Reconstructed II

Concert lecture – Beethoven's Sonata no. 29 in B-major op. 106 ”Hammer piano”
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
17.00 — 18.00
The Studio Hall, Rosenoerns Allé 22, 1970 Frederiksberg C
Studio Hall
Entry Fee
Free entrance (reservation not possible)

Beethoven: Sonata no. 29 in B-major op. 106 ”Hammer piano”.

At two concert lectures the pianist Emil Gryesten and music theorist Thomas Solak will present their work with interpretation of Beethoven's late piano sonatas through a Schenker-analysis; a special method of analysis developed by Heinrich Schenker (1868-1935). The artistic development project Beethoven Reconstructed has been made possible through support from the culture ministry's pool for artistic development.
