Pianomania 2023 - Contrasts
Programme (subject to change)
Brahms: Intermezzo Op. 116/2
Langzhe Hong
Brahms: Intermezzo Op. 116, No. 5,6
Maria Babirecka
Brahms: 4 Klavierstücke Op. 119
Eirik Stave og Sebastian Egebakken Svenøy
Brahms: Rhapsody Op. 79 no. 1
Xiaoyi Pang
Brahms: Klavierstücke Op. 118
Merel Beelen og Adam Rischel
Brahms: Rhapsody Op. 79 No. 2
Valentine Bouchaud
Bartok: Sonata
Stefan Macovei
We celebrate the innovative and visionary Hungarian composer Ligeti's 100th anniversary together with fellow Hungarian Bartok and the two other great B's: Bach and Brahms. All four were in their time accused of composing futuristic music. We will draw some parallels and find exciting dichotomies. Welcome to the pianofest at RDAM!