Pianomania 2023 - Inventio

Movements by Bach and Ligeti
Saturday, November 25, 2023
17.00 — 18.15
The Studio Hall, Rosenoerns Allé 22, 1970 Frederiksberg C
Studio Hall
Entry Fee
Free entrance (reservation not possible)

Programme (subject to change)

Ligeti: Capriccio og Inventio 
Siqi Ma 

Ligeti: Musica Ricercata III-VII
Ivan Doujak

Bach: Fantasi & Fuga BWV 904
Yiran Cao

Bartok: Bagateller op. 6 nr. 2, 4 og 5
Sebastian Nawrocki

 Bach: Toccata e-mol
Jasper Andersson

Brahms: Intermezzo op. 117 nr. 2 
Louise Pump                              

Bartok: Out of Doors nr. 1, 3 og 4
Myuan Wang

Bach: Italiensk koncert
Karen Kong

We celebrate the innovative and visionary Hungarian composer Ligeti's 100th anniversary together with fellow Hungarian Bartok and the two other great B's: Bach and Brahms. All four were in their time accused of composing futuristic music. We will draw some parallels and find exciting dichotomies. Welcome to the pianofest at RDAM!