RDAM's soloist competition 2023 - finale

RDAM-students compete in the task as soloists at RDAM's Summer Concert
Thursday, March 16, 2023
19.30 — 21.30
The Studio Hall, Rosenoerns Allé 22, 1970 Frederiksberg C
Studio Hall
Entry Fee
Free entrance

Three finalists compete in the task as soloists at RDAM's Summer Concert Thursday the 22nd of June.

Cansin Kara, cello
R. Schumann: Cellokoncert Op. 129 in a minor
Berit Tange, klaver

Bjarke Schousboe, bassoon
C.M. Weber: Bassoon Concerto Op. 75 in F major
Charlotte Thaning, piano

Aleksei Zaitsev, piano
R. Strauss: Burlesque in D minor
Merel Beelen, piano

1st and 2nd round will be held Monday the 13th of March