The Study of Plants and Music

In collaboration with visual artists Jonas Handskemager and Ebbe Stub Wittrup
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
14.00 — 16.00
Receptionen, Rosenørns Allé 22
Entry Fee
Gratis adgang

In collaboration with the Royal Danish Academy of Music and with support from the Danish Arts Foundation, visual artists Jonas Handskemager and Ebbe Stub Wittrup have developed an integrated decoration at the Royal Danish Academy of Music, which is housed in the architect Vilhelm Lauritzen's Radiohus.


14.00: Welcome in the reception at Rosenørns Allé 22 by the artists followed by a guided tour through the work

14.45: Inauguration and speech by President Uffe Savery in "G.N. Brandt's garden" (RDAM's "Silent Garden")

15.00: Premiere of a musical work as a part of the artwork by students at RDAM

The work The study of plants and music is based on the building's roof garden, where loudspeakers transmit the sounds from the students' rehearsal rooms up through the building. At the same time, the sky and the life of the garden are reflected through Camera Obscura lenses in the roof's light shafts down into the rehearsal rooms and corridors of the building. In this way, the two visual artists have attempted to contribute to Vilhelm Lauritzen's thoughts on the intertwining of the architectural, musical and biological.