Thursday Tunes - Danish Top Tracks!

The students have created a programme with music by Nørgård, Nielsen, Langgaard, and Schmidt.
Thursday, October 6, 2022
19.30 — 21.00
The Studio Hall, Rosenoerns Allé 22, 1970 Frederiksberg C
Entry Fee
Free entrance (reservation not possible)

We have invited the students to create the concert programme themselves, which has gotten the title "Danish Top Tracks".

Experience Nørgård's "Spell", Nielsen's Wind Quintet, Langgaard's "Ribe, tidlig morgen", and Schmidts "Frikadellens flugt over plankeværket".

Created by Freja Julie Rasch Eskildsen, Theodor Hvidt, Klara Borgqvist, Kresimir Lulic, and Dagmar Skovgaard Boas.