Voice Talent Day

All voice talents and voice teachers from the entire country are welcome
Saturday, September 17, 2022
09.00 — 17.00
Entry Fee
Free, however registration required

We invite all voice talents and voice teachers from the entire country for a day at RDAM where dialogues, workshops, and tours will be a possibility.

For the voice talents the day will be focused around your possible cotemplations on choosing an education in voice studies. We invite the voice teachers to a dialogue forum about spotting and supporting young voice talents. The voice teachers are welcome the whole day. The workshops will take the form of lessons and group work with focus on interpretation of texts and music as well as scenic expression.

We would like to draw attention to the performance of Cinderella the same evening at the Opera at 7 PM. In the case that some are planning on attending both the Voice Talent Day as well as the performance in the Opera, a tour in the Opera can then be arranged with students from the Opera Academy. 

The day is for free but does require registration latest the 15th of August 2022 (nemtilmeld)

In case of questions or if you want more information, contact Kirsten.juul@dkdm.dk

Programme (might change)

9.30-10.15 AM: Studiefoyeren
Welcome, coffee, and a tour of RDAM

10.30-11.30 AM: Garden Hall
Dialogue forum 1: what are voice studies like? How can I be accepted at the school? Meet the students.

11.30 AM-12.15 PM: 
Group warm up
Garden Hall/Study Hall

12.30-1.30 PM:
Garden Hall and Study Hall

1.30-2.30 PM: Cantine
Lunch (bring your own)

2.30-4.30 PM: Voice corridor

2.30-4.30 PM: New Hall
Dialogue forum 2: (for voice teachers): how do you spot young talents? What do they need in the lessons?

4.30-5.00 PM: New Hall
End of the day at RDAM with Q&A