Collaborative Spaces

Artistic research (KUV)
by Geir Draugsvoll

Collaborative Spaces explores the common creative space that arises between composer and performer in the field of new classical music. This is done by documenting and reflecting on the development of a work over time and through the practice of both composer and performer.

At the heart of Collaborative Spaces is the work Fachwerk (2009) for solo accordion, string orchestra and percussion by the Russian composer Sofia Gubaidulina. The work is dedicated to Geir Draugsvoll, who gave it its premiere performance in the Royal Concertgebouw in Amsterdam in 2009. Fachwerk was written in very close collaboration with Geir Draugsvoll, and with a specific starting-point in his particular instrument. Following the first performance, Gubaidulina has heard Draugsvoll perform the work more than 20 times around the world – all the time with the possibility to comment, adjust, experiment and optimise.

The project is funded through a grant from the Ministry of Culture’s pool for artistic research.