3D seminar

Med den norske komponist Anders Vinjar
Onsdag den 23. februar 2022
19.30 — 21.00
Ny Sal, Rosenørns Allé 22, 1970 Frederiksberg C
Gratis adgang

Guest: Anders Vinjar

We shall hear about his music from the composer himself, introducing two of his spatial compositions before playing the works in full length at RDAMs hemispherical speaker system.

We shall hear about “The Music is the Wave” where synthesized sound and field recordings have been used as basic material with many layers of editing, signal processing and recombinations to provide the resulting sound. The composition work was done using OpenMusic, using specially programmed Lisp functions to analyze sonic features, and extract symbolic qualities and musical potential from these. All the composition work for this piece is done using interactive AI based techniques. Spatialisation explores higher order ambisonics.