Carl Nielsen og Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen Talent Awards

On June 9th 2022 The Carl Nielsen and Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen Foundation gave out talent awards to twenty young, artistic talents. Five current and former students from RDAM were among this years’ recipients.

The talent awards of 100.000 DKK are given each year on Carl Nielsens birthday to 20 young and promising musicians, composers, and sculptors. The awards are given in recognition of the artists’ talent and to support their future work.

Current and former students at RDAM were distinguishedly represented among this year’s talent award recipients:  

Louise McClelland Jacobsen, soprano
Master student at The Royal Danish Opera Academy with Helene Gjerris.

Mathilde Qvist, double-bassist
Master student at RDAM with Michal Stadnicki og Joel Gonzalez.

Thera Ortved, violinist
Completed her bachelor’s degree at RDAM with Michael Malmgreen.

Katrin Mathiesen, clarinetist
Completed her master’s degree at RDAM, where she studied with by Lee Morgan and John Kruse.

Magnus Larsson, orchestra- and opera conductor
Made his debut in 2021 from RDAM’s soloist programme, where he studied with Giordano Bellincampi and Michael Schønwaldt

Congratulations to all 2022 talent award recipients.

Read more about Carl Nielsen and Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen’s talent awards