RDAM's library


Search, book and renew in the Online catalogue

Opening hours

Opening hours outside holidays and public holidays: Monday to Friday from 11 AM - 3 PM.

Contact information and directions

T: +45 72 26 72 04
E: bibliotek@dkdm.dk

About the library 

The library is located on the ground floor of Ny Fløj facing Worsaaesvej – with the entrance to the left of the reception at the main entrance Rosenørns Allé 22.

The premises used to house the Danish Broadcasting Corporations record collection. Today, you find a library designed by Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects. The establishment of the music library was made possible through a donation from the A.P. Møller Foundation in 2008.

The Royal Danish Academy of Music library serves first and foremost students and teachers from RDAM but is also open to the general public, and the library's materials are also available to registered external users and via other libraries in the National Library Cooperation www.bibliotek.dk.

Please note that the media room is reserved for RDAM students and teachers. Other users are referred to the public library at Danasvej 30B.

Here you can read the RDAM library guidelines

The library's facilities and rules

The main task of the library is to provide the Academy's teachers and students with materials to support teaching, research and artistic and pedagogical innovation.

The library is furthermore open to the public with the limitations stated below.

In the large open lending hall, you will find a large collection of sheet music, books on music and music recordings. Most of it can be borrowed and the library staff can help you search, find or order materials.

There are several reading areas for reading newspapers and magazines. In a showcase you can see samples of special documents and objects from the archives.

In the Media Room behind the glass wall, you can listen to recordings and concert recordings in peace and quiet, as well as transfer and edit your own recordings. There are reading areas, computers for internet searches and access to various databases and electronic journals, including the Naxos Music Library.

A soundproofed AV room allows for group work, meetings and shared viewing of DVDs, such as opera performances on a large flat screen with surround sound. There is also an electric piano and seating for approximately 14 people. The room can be booked by students and staff at RDAM.

  • Guidance in searching for materials in the library's catalogues, handbooks, etc.
  • Loans, renewing, reservation of borrowed materials
  • Searches for information
  • Procuring materials for the ensembles of the Academy (compare “Guidelines for giving priority to resources for renting music sheets”, Dec. 1999)
  • Borrowing materials relevant for tuition from other libraries to a limited extend.
  • The library is primarily available for teachers and students of the Academy, but it is open to anyone who can present Danish identity papers with a CPR number (personal registration no.) and a Danish registered address.
  • All users must be registered in the library's register.
  • The National Health Service medical card works as a library ticket.
  • Students must present a valid one-year student ID card upon request. Other users must show ID with name and address.
  • Change of address and change of e-mail address must be notified to the library.
  • The user is also liable for loans recalled in vain due to an incorrect address (address in the Danish national register and e-mail address).
  • Lost health cards must be reported to the library as soon as possible. The user is responsible for loans until the time of notification.
  • Any loan – also for internal educational use – must be noted before the user leaves the library.
  • You are responsible for a loan if the material is borrowed in your name, and you are therefore liable for all parts when borrowing chamber music sheet music, for example.
  • The user is obliged to treat library materials with respect, which means, among other things, that sheet music may not be rolled up. Necessary notes in materials for music performance must only be entered with a pencil – never with a pen or ink. Notes must be carefully removed by the user before delivery.
  • Notes must under no circumstances be entered in material that the library has borrowed from other libraries.
  • Each member of choirs, orchestras and ensembles at the Academy must register personally by signing by the music sheets librarian for borrowed material, which must be returned when the production is finished.

The list below contains materials that are for library use only and cannot be lent out.

  • Choir and orchestra materials
  • CD’s and records (Can be borrowed by RDAM teachers for use in the classrooms)
  • Recordings of the Academy's concerts
  • Handbooks, collected works and monument editions as well as manuscripts and other rarities
  • Latest issues of journals
  • For external enquiries, the library is - in addition to the above restrictions - only obliged to lend material which is not available elsewhere in the Danish library system.

The loan period for sheet music and literature is:

  • Two months for students and employees at the Royal Danish Academy of Music
  • One month for external users and other libraries
  • Long time loans of certain materials can be agreed with the loan service – for students and teachers at RDAM.
  • One week for issues from the current year
  • 14 days for older issues
  • Loaned materials can be reserved.

Loans can be renewed up to two times if there are no reservations.

  • Materials which are not returned by the end of the loan period will be recalled and must be returned to the library immediately or renewed. Receipts for returned materials will be provided upon request.
  • Materials that have not been returned despite repeated recalls are considered lost.
  • For lost or damaged materials, an invoice will be issued for a replacement amount that includes the price for repair or acquisition/ a replacement copy/a possible estimated value. Furthermore, the price of binding and administrative expenses for the acquisition will be included.
  • Multi-volume works and chamber music sets can be claimed back in complete form.
  • If the bill is not paid in time, the claim will be handed over to the taxation authority’s Collection Office.
  • The library may claim compensation from a user, even if the user is not responsible for the fact that the borrowed material cannot be returned or can only be returned in damaged condition.

Users who have an unresolved compensation case of damages or owe more than DKK 200 will be excluded from loans. In the case of repeated or serious violations of the library's regulations, the user in question may be excluded from loans and other use of the library for a defined period.

This English translation of the regulations is provided as a service to our foreign students, teachers and guests. In case of any disagreements or legal disputes between RDAM and any other party, the original Danish text, not the translation, must be the basis for interpretation of any legal implications and solutions.