Exchange at RDAM

At RDAM, we are proud to welcome exchange students from around the world, which creates a vibrant, global environment and atmosphere.

Exchange programmes at rdam

Erasmus+ and Nordplus programmes offer the opportunity for students to study at the Academy for one or two semesters while earning credits in the programme at their home institution. It is also possible to study at the Academy through bilateral agreements with institutions not participating in these programmes.

If you are interested in becoming an exchange student at RDAM, please contact the international coordinator/office at your home institution.

application dEADLINE: 1 march

Please note:
Applications must be completed by 1 March through Mobility Online which includes the nomination of the home institution and the upload of all required documents.


When applying through Mobility Online there is a process connected to the sending institution and several steps to be completed before the application can be finally submitted to RDAM.


For international coordinators at institutions that are not using Mobility Online

When one of your students submit an application, the specified coordinator at your institution will automatically receive an autogenerated e-mail from the system. From here you must nominate (approve) the application. Following this nomination it will appear as an application to be assessed by RDAM.

Please read the following information carefully. If you have any questions, you can contact RDAM’s International Office.