RDAM String Day 2023

For kids, youngsters, and their teachers
Saturday, March 4, 2023
10.00 — 15.00
Entry Fee
Free registration

As a continuation of RDAM's Saturdayschools, will the String Day for children, youngsters, and their teachers be held for the second time in a row

RDAM String Day will be held Saturday the 4th og March 2023 at 10 AM to 3 PM. There will be solo lessons by RDAM teachers and RDAM students, concerts with string-players from RDAM, the possibility of attending lessons as onlookers, and attending a string concert. There will be plenty of opportunity to gain new inspiration and to meet likeminded kids and youngsters who play string instruments as well. As always the day is open for string players at all levels - if you just started playing or if you already have played a while.


When you arrive at RDAM we will be ready to greet you from 9.30 AM in the reception at Rosenørns Alle 22, 1970 Frederiksberg. If you do not want to carry your instrument around with you the entire day, it will be possible to place it in a room close to where you will be tought. More information about this will follow.

10:00 AM-12:00 PM 
Lessons different places in the building

12:00-12:45 PM Canteen
Lunch. It will not be possible to buy food in the canteen, but you may eat your own home brought lunch here.

12:45-1:10 PM Studio Hall
String Concert

1:30-3:00 PM
Lessons different places in the building

If your lessons are done before 3 PM you are welcome to go home or to stay and attend other lessons as an onlooker.


If you want to participate with you teacher please have your teacher fill out the registration. If you are participating alone just fill out the registration by yourself.

We will try to give a lesson to all who wish for it, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee it. If a students does not want to play but merely watch, please register as "passive" in the registration. If they want to play please register as "active".

Last day of registration is Sunday the 15th of February 2023. After the registration you will receive an e-mail with information about your lesson, rooms, and other practical information.

Any and all questions about the RDAM String Day can be sent to Frederikke Nymann Hauge at frederikke.nymann@dkdm.dk

We look forward to seeing all of you at a musical day at RDAM.

Best regards,
The Royal Danish Academy of Music