Soloist Recital

RDAM's soloist class challenges themselves, each other, and the audience through a series of soloist recitals.
Monday, March 18, 2024
17.00 — 18.00
New Hall, Rosenoerns Allé 22, 1970 Frederiksberg C
New Hall
Entry Fee
Free admission

The focus of soloist recitals is on conveying the artistic expression of music, and there will be experimentation with repertoire selection and concert formats.

On March 18th, the soloist students Kaiwei Le on piano, Marlene Metzger as soprano, and Cecilia Edman Bergman on guitar will take the stage in New

On March 18, it is the soloist students Kaiwei Le, piano, and Cecilia Edman Bergman, guitar, who take the stage in Ny Sal, describing their concert as "A journey through music history. We begin in the Renaissance and move through the Baroque, Romantic, Impressionist periods, and end in the present."


J. Dowland:

  • Lachrimae Pavane
  • Fantasia


  • Partita no. 1 in B-flat, BWV 825
  • Praeludium, Allemande, Corrente, Sarabande, Menuet I & II, Giga


  • Arpeggione Sonata
  • I: Allegro moderato
  • II. Adagio
  • III. Allegretto

M. Ravel:

  • Pavane de la Belle au bois dromant

R. Zwicki

  • Some