Gemini Duo awarded prestigious 1st Prize in Italy

RDAM accordion duo won 1st Prize in 47th PIF Castelfidardo

Gemini Duo was awarded 1st Prize in the Chamber Music category at the renowned PIF Castelfidardo Accordion Competition in Italy. Furthermore, RDAM-student Loris Douyez was awarded 2nd Prize in the same competition. The competition took place 28 September – 2 October 2022. Gemini Duo received the highest score of all participants and was awarded a special prize from the city of Castelfidardo.

Both Gemini Duo (Wanchen Zhao and Wanxu Zhao) and Loris Douyez are studying under Professor Geir Draugsvoll at The Royal Danish Academy of Music.

Read more about PIF Castelfidardo