Giacomo Schmidt wins first prize in The International Hugo Wolf Competition

Opera student Giacomo Schmidt wins the first prize in the International Hugo Wolf Competition - a Lied-duo competition, which takes place every other year in Stuttgart.

Giacomo wins the prize together with pianist Jong Sun Woo with whom he has collaborated for several years. Giacomo is currently in his first year at the Opera Academy.

The German-Italian lyric baritone, Giacomo Schmidt, began singing at a very young age in children's choirs, and his first solo performance as a singer was in Bernstein's Chichester Psalms with the Sønderjyllands Symphony Orchestra. Giacomo holds a bachelor's degree in voice from HfMT Köln and UdK Berlin and is now in his first year at the Opera Academy. An important part of his repertoire is Lied, and together with Jong Sun Woo, he has won several awards.

Photo: Annemone Taake