Niels Rosing-Schow takes up temporary position as president of RDAM

On September 1, 2023, Niels Rosing-Schow is appointed president of the Royal Danish Academy of Music in a temporary appointment. Niels has agreed to take on the task for a transitional period until the future board of the Academy is ready to appoint a new president.

Niels Rosing-Schow is widely recognized as one of Denmark's leading composers with an impressive production behind him. He graduated in composition, theory, and music history from RDAM and was already employed as a teacher and later lecturer before his debut concert in 1987. In 2013, he was appointed professor of composition and head of the composition programme and in the period 2018-2022 he was also employed as pro-rector at RDAM.

Passionate about music - and about passing it on

"Music is the most important thing in my life," Niels answers when asked what the most important thing is to know about him. "I'm passionate about music and especially new music – since I'm a composer. But in addition to my musical work, I've also been teaching all my life. So, for me, being passionate about music is also about passing it on to new generations. That's why it didn't take me long to agree to take on the responsibility as president for a period of time," he says.

Alongside his work as a composer and teacher, Niels Rosing-Schow has been involved in various boards and councils and for several years he was chairman of the Danish Composers' Association. He brings his commitment to cultural policy to the president's office:

"The arts- and culture sector is one of the most important areas in society. It contributes to creating our identity as human beings, and I clearly have certain positions and values that I believe should be incorporated into the communication of music and of art and culture in general," he says and continues:

"Thoughts about the environment, sustainability and diversity are becoming more and more important to me. This is expressed in my music, and are also areas that I believe we should continue to work with at the Academy - both in relation to the programmes and study culture, but also in the way we communicate music and art."

RDAM educates students for a sustainable life as a musician

Until a new rector can be appointed by RDAM's future board, Niels Rosing-Schow holds the baton and looks forward to getting to work:

"My focus as president will be to continue working in the direction that was founded under Uffe Savery's leadership. We laid the steppingstones when I was vice president and now we must continue to work on educating our graduates for a sustainable life as musicians. It is our most important task to equip the new generation to enter into a meaningful career as musicians, tonmeisters, composers and music teachers - it is important for them and for society."

Read Niels Rosings-Schow's CV