Eva Hess Thaysen becomes RDAM's new Professor of Voice

Eva Hess Thaysen has been appointed Professor of Voice at RDAM and will take up the role on 1 August 2024. She is already employed as an Associate Professor of Voice and as head of studies, and she has taught voice at RDAM since 2008.

 Eva Hess Thaysen has had an extensive career as an opera singer and soloist at national and international level, and as an educator she has had outstanding results over the years with the training of many singers.

Since 2006, Eva Hess Thaysen has been head of studies and later head of research and artistic development at RDAM.  Over the years, she has also built up a large network of international colleagues and collaborators at conservatory programs in Europe, the USA and China, where she has given a large number of masterclasses and been a speaker at several international conferences. In autumn 2023, Eva Hess Thaysen's book Danish Diction in Art Song was published, which is the result of many years of artistic development work.

Eva Hess Thaysen has exciting visions for the vocal programs both at RDAM and at the Opera Academy, and RDAM looks forward to the coming years' work on developing the area. Eva will continue as head of RDAM's research and artistic development area.

"On behalf of the Academy, I am delighted to appoint Eva Hess Thaysen as Professor of Voice. She is already an Associate Professor of Voice, where she has shown excellent pedagogical results and trained many singers at the highest level. As a professor she will be able to draw on her vast experience as both a teacher and masterclass teacher in international contexts. She has a deep knowledge of repertoire and a weighty background from her great artistic career. At the same time, it will be exciting to follow her further work in developing the voice program and the work at the Opera Academy," says President Niels Rosing-Schow.