Léonie Sonning Music Prize 2022

The French pianist Pierre-Laurent Aimard receives the Léonie Sonning Music Prize 2022

The French pianist Pierre-Laurent Aimard is the 8th pianist to receive Denmark’s most prominent music award. The Léonie Sonning Music Prize has been awarded since 1959, and with the prize comes 1.000.000 Danish Kroner (150.000 USD).

The prize concert will take place with The Royal Danish Orchestra and conductor Sylvain Cambreling on the 7th of October in DR Koncerthuset. As a part of the award ceremony, Pierre-Laurent Aimard will be celebrated with a portrait festival in Copenhagen and Aarhus from the 4th – 9th October 2022.

5th October, The Royal Danish Academy of Music.
Artist talk with Pierre-Laurent Aimard and piano technician Stefan Knüpfer. Pianomania (2009)

8th October, The Royal Danish Academy of Music.
Masterclass with piano students from RDAM

The Chairman for Léonie Sonning Music Foundation, Esben Tange, explains the reasons behind the choice.

”For the last 40 years, Pierre-Laurent Aimard has been one of the most groundbreaking and refined pianists. With his signature artistic style that encompasses sensible sound, a strong intellect, and a sparkling expressivity, he has been pushing the boundaries within the art of the piano. And with his visionary programs where composers from different eras are brought together, he has inspired the creation of new music, new interpretations of the classics and conveyed the qualities of lesser-known music.”

Read more about Leónie Sonnings Musikpris 2022