Research article in International Journal of Music Education

Marianne Løkke Jakobsen's article "Synchronous Online Instrumental Music Teaching in Cross-Cultural Learning Contexts" is a scoping review that explores the world of cross-cultural music education in the context of Western classical music.


The review delves into the intersection of synchronous online instrumental music teaching and cultural differences, focusing on Chinese student experiences. The study examines 100+ articles from the past two decades, revealing unique approaches in Chinese music pedagogy and highlighting the potential of synchronous online teaching, despite technical challenges.

Key findings

  1. Cultural distinctions in classical instrument pedagogy traditions
  2. Emerging pragmatic concepts blending Confucian and Dewey philosophies
  3. Influence of Russian, Germanic, and Chinese traditions on music pedagogy
  4. Enhanced student-teacher dialogue through online teaching

While the review uncovers exciting insights, it also spotlights the need for more research on intercultural aspects and competence development in online music education.

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Marianne Løkke Jakobsen is enrolled as a PhD-student at Aalborg University, Institute for Culture and Learning (2021-2026). Her main supervisor is prof. Rikke Ørngreen, co -supervisor ass. prof. Lars Birch Andreasen, external supervisor prof. David Hebert from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen.

As part of the research for her Ph.D.-project at RDAM, Marianne is currently doing field work in Fudan University in Shanghai, China. Read more about the PhD- project.

The International Journal of Music Education (IJME) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the International Society for Music Education (ISME).