
DKDM har et globalt perspektiv og et mangfoldigt studiemiljø

Internationalisering er i centrum på Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium (DKDM). Hvert studieår byder vi et stort antal internationale studerende, gæstelærere og samarbejdspartnere velkommen.

Vores professionelle undervisningsmiljø, moderne faciliteter samt muligheden for distance learning-undervisning med globale partnere gør DKDM til en dynamisk uddannelsesinstitution, som synliggør sig både fagligt og på tværs af landegrænser. 

DKDM's internationale strategi
Mød nogle af vores internationale studerende

Projekter og aktiviteter

RDAM has been engaged in Distance Learning since 2010. An important part of Distance Learning activities is related to international collaboration.

Distance Learning allows for teaching and learning to take place remotely without the student being in regular face-to-face contact with a teacher in the classroom.

RDAM has comprehensive experience in the employment of Distance Learning technology in music education, and Distance Learning has consequently become an integrated part of the activities at the academy. A growing number of the RDAM faculty takes part in Distance Learning, with the dedicated Distance Learning studio being used on a weekly basis to connect to a growing number of international partner schools. 

Distance Learning is a highly appreciated tool in increasing and improving international collaboration at RDAM and through teaching and substantial employment of Distance Learning technology. 
the academy meets international partners with a strong institutional commitment to further explore and develop this type of collaboration.

In our Distance Learning activities, RDAM is dedicated to deliver high quality audio, which is of extreme importance to both RDAM and our partner institutions when the goal is to achieve the best teaching results with the support of new technology.

RDAM addresses the importance of research and development in the field of Distance Learning. Technology and new research findings related to virtual learning environments are part of an ongoing global movement which users of such technology must actively take part in. As part of the global Distance Learning community, RDAM strives to be aware of current and future trends and developments. RDAM takes great interest in being involved in global network communities that can assist the academy in acquiring up-to-date knowledge and foster creative thinking of new and innovative uses of technology in virtual teaching environments.

RDAM uses Distance Learning in a diverse range of activities and forms.

Distance Learning in global cooperation has many different goals related to shared teaching, joint projects, intercultural projects, auditions, creative performance spaces, further education, online teaching, joint classes, overseas courses, and much more.

The academy looks forward to continuing further exploration in the field of music and Distance Learning with all engaged international partners.

With partners in Shanghai, London, Cleveland and Miami

Sessions in 2019-2020

Monday 17 February at 15:00 in New Hall

Monday 20 April at 14:00 in New Hall


Study programmes

Earn your music degree at The Royal Danish Academy of Music

The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen offers music education at the highest level. The wide range of courses at the Academy attracts a diversity of students, thereby creating an international study environment.

dkdm indgang
Rosenørns Allé 22, 1970 Frederiksberg C, Denmark


If you have questions about our different study programmes, please contact the relevant teachers and employees listed under each individual programme


If you have questions about admission requirements, application process or application guidance, please contact


If you have questions about on how to apply as an international applicant, living and studying in Denmark, visa etc., please contact our International Office at


If you have questions about DKDM's concerts, festivals and events, please contact us at


For inquiries regarding media, or other communication-related matters, please contact us at